Tuesday, December 7, 2010

‘Tis the Season to Shop or ‘Tis the Season to Hide?

With Christmas just around the corner come frantic shoppers everywhere. Everyone is trying to get the best deals and the ideal gift for their loved ones. A holiday, which once was a celebration of Christ being born and family has now become a national disaster! First off, I think Christmas commercials should back off when it comes to airing just after Halloween has finished. I mean the poor month November is bombarded by a holiday that is in December. Not to mention the fifty times a day the same advertisement is played over and over. Just to let you know were not idiots out here and we got it the first five times we saw your commercial. I know in the world of advertising this is supposed to be the way to get us to buy your product. As it may work on others, I can’t say it does the same for me. In my opinion it makes me not want to buy your product and it certainly doesn’t inspire me to want to shop at your store either.  Secondly, keep your decorations in the dusty box until at least December first. As a rule of thumb growing up my mother always told me, the first days of December were the best for decorating for the holidays, before that, it’s just well, we’ll just say wrong. Thirdly, the dreadful malls, shopping in a mall at this time of year is suicidal if you ask me. I will never attempt to enter any department store or big shopping facility at this time of year. With all the crazies searching for gifts last minute for little Jimmy, little Tommy and Aunt Linda I feel like a stressed out case. I’m not enjoying my gift shopping but wanting to grab anything to just get out of the hustle and bustle of confused shoppers. The best way to shop I find is street shopping. In this case when you feel your losing oxygen you can at least leave the store for some air. Now I may seem like a huge scrooge, I beg to differ! I absolutely love Christmas! I truly do. I just feel the real meaning of it all has been slaughtered by retailers and advertisers. It actually saddens me. For me at this time of year, it is all about family and friends.  I believe the simple gestures are the ones that are most remembered about the holidays. For example, instead of it always being about what you will receive, how about what you can do at this time of year to make Christmas a memorable holiday for others.  For example host a party to give back to your friends and all they have done for you throughout the year.  Instead of buying gifts, think of different and unique ways of giving to your loved ones. Give to a local charity by donating or even helping out at a local homeless shelter. There are so many other aspects to this wonderful time of year that has been forgotten in the mess man has created.  So let me ask you this ‘tis the season to shop or ‘tis the season to hide?