Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Can a get a Yoga Class with a Cigarette?

What I’ve begun to realize is, my mid twenty something year old body is not quite working like it once did in my teenage years or even my early twenties for that matter. Realizing the “I’m going to just eat salad for a week and drop ten pounds” is nothing but a joke nowadays. Once upon time I was one those people who had a gym membership, I was also one of those people who got very good at ignoring it. This made me realize, I’m just not one of those get up at 6am to hit the weights kind of girl. So in the last couple of months I’ve been attending hot yoga classes which I absolutely love!  Although yoga is definitely without a doubt an expensive habit to have, to me it’s all worth it as long as at end of the day I can fit into my skinny jeans. To put things plainly, I’m trying to change my lifestyle to a much healthier and happy one. The days of eating what I want and not exercising are over. The one habit that I’ve been carrier through my twenties is my love for cigarettes. I know I know I’m always talking about quitting but the day has not arrived yet unfortunately. So, now I’m left with a good diet and a great way to exercise but at the end of it all I still smoke? Even with Yoga and all the downward dogs, chutta rang rangs, the la la’s and tons of positions using words like sleeping hero and dancers pose I still choose to smoke!?  It paints a strange picture when I leave a class that’s for sure. There I am walking down the street with sweaty hair and a red face and let’s not forget my yoga mat and there I go whipping out a cigarette! Who does that? Apparently me, but I’m not the only one I’ve seen others do it too, but I have to say it is completely not cool to have people look at me like a weirdo to be doing so.  Ok so they don’t go together so what, I can’t have a yoga class with a cigarette?

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