Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Facebook a Social Network or Creating Social Misfits?

With the creation of Facebook has come a different type of socializing. For some of us it makes our lives much easier when trying to contact someone, find an old friend or perhaps to scope out the new guy or girl we met last night. Think about its kinda creepy. What ever happened to getting to know someone by going out or by a simple phone call? I think this type of technology has made life a little easier when approaching someone for information or networking, but for the most part dating. I find most guys I meet will ask for my number but will never call they will always text! Then add me to facebook and obviously go through my pictures and my life and then decide from there if their still interested in knowing me. I can understand why guys or even girls for that matter may take the easier route by contacting someone this way. Were all afraid of rejection, I mean who isn't but rejection is a part of life and I feel is something we all need to experience first hand. This is something we'll go through our entire lives and we have to learn to face our fear of rejection and know how to handle it when it happens. We have to admit, we all scope out others on facebook and creep people's  pages for pictures, friends etc. So in my opinion we all have a little stalker in us (ha ha). In the end, is this really a way to get to know someone or to have a relationship? I know in my life It could be weeks before I actually speak to one of my friends in person or on the phone. The funny thing is we still know what each other are doing, how our week at work was, what we did last night, but not once did I have to actually speak to that person.  With all this communication over technology we have the opportunity to edit, delete and really think about what were going to say. To me this is not normal and is creating social awkwardness in our lives. Its like there is no error for the things we say when in real life learning social skills is important for our everyday lives. Speaking to someone and  possibly saying the wrong thing is how we learn what we can and cannot say or do in a social setting. Which brings me to the fact that people don't really communicate on a proper level anymore. . We may not notice this yet,  but all the social skills we once were building are now being destroyed. I'm not sure about all of us out there but I know that most of my communication is through dreadful text messaging which takes up so much of my time or its through Facebook and for some Twitter. I must admit I don't have a twitter account and feel I never will. For me to update where I am at all times of the day and to think people actually care is kinda funny cause most of us don't care where everyone is. Lets not forget about our personal privacy. This doesn't exist any longer and if you think you still have privacy you better think again. Any photo taken of you is now posted all over FB (even if you don't have FB) any posting you send unless sent through personal message is now out there for the world to see. All of this brings me to my first question is Facebook a social network or creating social misfits?

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