Sunday, November 21, 2010

To Live the Journey or to Sleep Through it?

I remember when I was younger and I’d look up to the twenty something’s and think wow look how amazing their life is! They always had such style, a car, a boyfriend or girlfriend, money and would have a place of their own with their own privacy. To a teenager who was going through the, I hate you Mom and Dad stage this seemed like a dream come true! I absolutely couldn’t wait to have my own independence and now that I finally have it It’s absolutely not what I had imagined at all! First off I don’t have a car! Secondly I have a series of past BF’S who have not turned out to not be the one and thirdly! Oh and thirdly hah what money all I have is a student debt to pay along with other bills. So ok I may have some style I do love to shop and I do live on my own but the pipe dream of my teenage years has become nothing but the boulevard of broken dreams! Ugh, I know I know a bit dramatic but definitely something worth venting about.  So ok it didn’t turn exactly how I dreamed.   It’s funny how we go through life in different stages like that, always wanting what the older generations have. I think what we seem to forget is how they got to where they are and how it didn’t happen overnight for any of them.  Now being in my twenties I have some of things I wanted in my teenager mind. Am I content or satisfied?  Nope I want what the thirty something’s have! They have the great careers, the marriages, the babies on the way and their nice beautiful homes. What I have come down to is this, were always going want what we don’t have. It’s called the game of life I suppose. I think each era of our life is truly what we make it. Although there are many challenges we face sometimes in our younger years this does not mean there are not going to many in the future. Put it this way the more responsibility we endure the more headaches there are to come!  This is why we should all embrace the age were in and enjoy it for what it is. So many of us including myself are always worried about what is about to happen or where we’re going to end up instead of really enjoying the journey that has been placed before us. I know I can be quite the preacher of something I tend to have issues following myself however; it doesn’t hurt to inspire others to enjoy the moment of their lives. So shall we choose to live the journey or to sleep through it?

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